Ministry of Higher Education
New Kuwait

Legal Opinion and Research Administration

Administration tasks:

1- Revision of the general and private rules of tenders and practices and preparation of contracts between the ministry and others to ensure its compliance with the rules and regulations.

2- Drafting administrative contracts of the ministry with the specialized authorities in coordination with the affiliated organizational units after meeting all financial approvals whether it is internal or external contracts of cultural offices.

3-Revision of Legal administrative decisions issued by the minister and senior leaders in the ministry and the development of the appropriate legal formulation for them.

4-Preparation of legal research and studies in all subjects related to the various departments within the ministry or from official organizations assigned by the higher administration in the ministry.

5-Study of various on-going legislations to offer suggestions to make the necessary changes to existing laws.

6- Receive staff and students complaints directed to the higher administration and study and present the outcome within the legal aspect to do what is necessary.

7- Answer parliament questions related to the work of the Administration of Legal opinion and Research.

8- Reviewing project’s laws and making necessary observations and amendments with coordination with senior management.

9- Reviewing agreements and treaties between the ministry, foreign bodies and cultural offices.

10-Completion of transactions related to the Right to Information Law number (12) of year (2020).

11- Educational instructions of students accepted in the ministry’s scholarships’ plan.

12-Expressing legal opinions of the requesting departments in the Ministry and submitting them to the Undersecretary of the Ministry for approval.

13-Communicate with state agencies in all matters relating to the legal aspects of what interest the Ministry.

14-Attending and participating in the committees of the various departments of the Ministry.

15-Supervising the identification of training needs for the management’s staff, in coordination with the Administrative Development and Training Department. 

Orgonization Structure

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