Ministry of Higher Education
New Kuwait

Administrative Affairs

Administration tasks:

1- Implementing rules, circulars, decisions, regulations, and laws concerning personnel affairs.

2-Supervise the identification of the training needs of the administration staff in coordination with the Administrative Development and Training Department.

3-Carrying out contracting procedures and preparing rules related to determining salaries and concluding contracts.

4-Execution and follow up of the recommendations of the Personnel Affairs committee after their approval by the Chairman of the Committee.

5-Prepare the first chapter budget in regards distributing job grades, salaries and wages, monitoring implementation and providing grades for promotions by selection and seniority.

6-Prepare the necessary ministerial and administrative decisions regarding general administrative matters, forming committees, work teams, and bonuses of all kinds, in addition to examination committees for higher technical institutes.

7- Preparing end of service records, as well as preparing the necessary decisions for the end of the service, and following up on the work of service addition and replacement during the service.

8- Preparing decisions assigning additional work outside official working hours, based on the decisions and circulars issued in this regard.

9- Participation in meetings and relevant committees in accordance with the decisions issued.

10- Receiving all types of leave requests from various departments of the ministry and technical institutes.

11-  Follow up the attendance for employees of the Ministry and technical institutes.

12-Consideration of vacations and study missions (local - foreign) in coordination with the Civil Service Bureau.

13-Issuance of organizational circulars related to official working hours and work in accordance with the laws of the Civil Service Commission.

14-Meet the administration's needs for administrative and office supplies and support services.

15-Organize all incoming and outgoing correspondences to the department by following the latest rules of classification, indexing and registration.

16-Receive incoming and outgoing mail through the e-government messaging system (diplomatic bag - correspondence of various authorities).

17-Numbering administrative decisions and circulars and distributing them to interested parties.

18-Prepare an archive of all documents of the Ministry's employees in public and confidential files.

19-Completion of residency and passport procedures for Ministry employees (For non-Kuwaitis).

20-Study and follow up of construction and maintenance works inside and outside Kuwait (Cultural Offices).

21-Participation in the state's construction projects to carry out the recommendations of the state's political plan in coordination with Kuwait Municipality.

22-Participation in the preparation of tender documents and special practices in the security, hygiene and security services, through the preparation of special technical conditions.


Orgonization Structure

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